Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Spotty Dotty

Well actually its Poppy but spotty was the theme for today and given that it was a dreich,old,grey,old MONDAY there was little opportunity for good blipping. I could have found the odd spot about my person but felt that Poppy was in better taste!

As you can see she has a spotty nose and spots running up her left front paw. I am sure if I had been the one to name her I would have called her dotty as it suits her nature well :) She is a lovely wee border collie, very biddable and very loving. She is good to walk with as she simply ignores other dogs and immediately falls down to be stroked on the tummy by humans.

She does have a bit of a bossy streak in her though. If Oscar the lurcher looks as if he is

a) going to muck up
b) move out of bed
c) make friends with other dogs

She is there and barking telling him what is what!

She exhibits true collie tendencies out in the fields, where she attempts to herd groups of dogs and human alike. Woe betide you if a human should break off of the main group to go exploring - Poppy will be right there with you ensuring your safety. She has an endless source of energy and will happily walk 10plus miles and still want to play fetch with her ball for an hour or two non stop when we get home!

Here's hoping for some better blipping weather for the rest of the week

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