The Eucryphia Tree

And the rains came, along with the men collecting all the boxes of books for storage. Tramp, tramp, tramp back and forth through the house with wet feet.
Obviously our prayers for a dry day had not been heard by the weather man.

It was fascinating to watch the men lift the boxes, which I could hardly slide along the floor they were so heavy, as if they weighed a mere nothing.
I only hope we can lift them out of storage again on our own. I hope his Lordship continues with his daily press ups.......

But it all got done and the storage space booked is just the right size. However, the price per square inch must rival that of a palace of an eastern potentate.
The sooner these Billy Bookcases from the land of the global flat pack company get assembled the better.

It's been a busy stressful day so I have an emergency blip of the flowers on the Eucryphia tree in the front garden of the castle. Its an evergreen with these white flowers in late summer and early autumn and is rather eye catching.

This is one of the trees which I shall miss, along with the little apple tree planted two years ago and now bearing a good crop of apples and the plum tree we planted last autumn before the thought of moving entered our heads.

I'll also miss the beautiful Magnolia tree which his Lordship, the head gardener, hates because he blames it for the poor patch of lawn underneath its shade.
But it is so showy and cheering early in the year after the drabness of winter.

We will have trees outside the Dower House, but they won't belong to us and they are more architectural than decorative.
Still, a tree is a tree and I can probably still hug one if I'm so inclined.

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