
By meles


We never know what we'll find when we make it up to the allotment for the first time in a week. This time there were still plenty of green beans, some bloated courgettes and a monster "spring" cabbage. (Very strange - the "January King" cabbages didn't do anything in January either). Quite a few small creatures had already sampled the cabbage, but there was quite a lot left. I think the strange bulbous courgette comes from some seed I saved from one of last year's squashes - seems to be a squash/courgette hybrid.

After an afternoon on duty in the book festival (spotted at least two other blippers in attendance!) we popped round to meet Malootkie and give him his shawl. (We also took the monster cabbage for J, it being the vegetable of choice in her native Poland.) S and J were very happy and only babbling slightly and the wee man has already learned how to do splendid burps. It was very nice to see them all at home together.

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