Removal- Lap 1

We were up early, ready and able for daughter #5's van to arrive from West Yorkshire to upload a large part of the old homestead and reinstate it in her house.

His Lordship had done a great preparatory job in humphing some furniture and rugs down 2 flights of stairs to the garden and dismantling a bed in readiness for the van's arrival. Not for nothing are his visits to the gym and his daily press ups!

We kept our fingers crossed that there would be no showers to soak everything, and we were lucky.

An hour and a half after its arrival the van had been expertly packed by son-in-law, his father and his uncle with bedroom suites, desks, tables and sundry small things and they were heading back the way they had come.
That was one very slick turn-a round. Perhaps they should ditch their day jobs.

Should we ever get homesick for the castle, we only have to go south and we can see all the old familiar things in an almost identical house. It will be a strange experience.

Now the castle is left a trifle denuded, but still with enough furniture for us to sit out the weekend and make a cup of tea.
Monday sees a roomful of boxed books and pictures being uplifted to the storage depot and then the real fun starts on Wednesday. I can hardly wait.

His Lordship is celebrating the primary denuding of the house by taking me out for dinner tonight. We will be able to relax and talk about things......... the things we need to take and the things we need to ditch. Hopefully we may be able to think of other things to talk about as well.

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