School play

R jnr's school closed for the springbreak today, will re-open on 6 September and then it is a long 6 weeks before final exams!

His class consists of 7 girls and him, the only male student amongst them! I suppose that must be the reason he was selected to be the king! :-)

They presented a short play, in Afrikaans, at the final assembly for the term. It was really impressive, seeing that quite a number of these students don't even use Afrikaans as their second language! They all do English first language and some do French as second language, with their mother tongue being Italian, French, Portuguese and more! But all eight of them do Afrikaans second language as well, although they never really knew the language before this year! But the play was a huge success, in real Afrikaans!!

Well done Mountain Cambridge High School Seniors! We are proud of you!

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend! We had a few nice, warm days, but a new cold front has taken us in it's grip again! Eisch!

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