jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Ben chose this doggy for Steve yesterday. It is very obviously a present chosen by Ben for Ben, under the pretence of giving it to Daddy. Ben got very very upset when I wrapped it up and when Steve got home took him straight to his present bag and said Mummy Daddy! And signed "dog".

When Steve started opening his presents Ben kept telling him that it was a dog, and of course Steve opened the dog last of all.

And so we switched yappy dog on, and it yapped incessantly, and it walked around, and did its backflip jumping trick, and Ben was a tiny bit scared of it. Totally fascinated, wanted to watch, but at a safe distance. He gets upset when the doggy falls over after a jump, but won't go near it to pick it up! This is Ben trying to back away under the sofa as the dog gets ever closer. Funny onion, our Ben.

In other news, Ben actually SAID the word "Ben" today! Previously he has only signed it. He can say LOTS of words and sign a whole lot more, but actually saying his own name is a huge step forward. Proud mummy moment - especially as he seemed to decide to say Ben by himself, with no prompting from me!

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