
By 4Boys4Girls

Peaceful sleep

Leo's awakening has not troubled his brothers at all. They couldn't fall asleep near him with all the talking and crying, but they cuddled up in Johanna's room and fell asleep just fine.

When we got into bed last night Leo started his heavy breathing and panic and crying. Every sentence started with "but I'm afraid when I think of ..."

I decided to give up on bed and we got up to have some tea and relax in the lounge. We looked at dozens of pictures of his mother and Leo together. After an hour we got back into bed.

Leo said:

"I'm not sad any more .. I can see that Mommy was always smiling. I think she's smiling right now. I'm also smiling. The only time that she wasn't happy was when I heard Mommy crying in the bathroom with you when she was scared of dying. Goodnight Dad -- I love you"

He's still sleeping now ..

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