
By 4Boys4Girls

A day with Leo

Last night, when going to bed, Leo told me how much he was missing his mother. He had been having some bad dreams (about zombies) but also dreams about his mother taking him up into the trees to enjoy an ice cream. He thought that he had had the dream previously but he couldn't remember when.

We are all still pretty jet-lagged from the US trip and have been going to bed VERY late and then sleeping most of the day. Last night we sat and talked at about 3am about life. Leo is worried that he is forgetting his mother. He couldn't make a clear picture of her in his head, and that worried him. He also couldn't remember how he knew that she had passed, or when he had heard that.

I decided to spend the day with Leo today. I had a bunch of errands to run in Stockholm so we headed off together to do them (the other boys didn't mind at all). So between errands we enjoyed a nice sushi lunch (where I snapped this image), had a long coffee break with a friend, drove in the rush hour traffic to pick up a lens and drop off a camera. Then finally some Thai noodles together.

I offered to put on the radio in the car -- but Leo said, "no, let's just talk". And we talked. And it was great.

What a great day.

Leo also wanted me to post this image of him standing in front of a pair of huge doors (this is just one of them).

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