Day by day

By LizzieBeattie


We had arrived late last night and taken to the Svarlbard Lodge where four of us were to share accommodation in a little 2-bedroomed flat. Breakfast this morning was provided in the bar downstairs. It was typical Norwegian fare with lots of choice of ham and cheese and rolls. We were given the morning free to wander Longyearbyen and would be transferred to the ship around 1500.
After breakfast I wandered around the village which was quite well provided for in terms of shops, hotels, a museum and sports facilities. It is, however, deserted at this time of the year when all the research scientists go home. The quietness and abandon is emphasized by the rows of snow scooters - the most obvious form of transport for most of the year.
Longyearbyen grew up with prospectors settling here for the coal and other mineral wealth, and evidence of the mining activity is still obvious on the hillsides. It was also home to those seeking the animal wealth to be made from whale and seal hunting. None of his exists now as the Svarlbard islands are preserved by Norway as wildlife and nature reserves, upon some of which humans are not allowed to land.
It was a dull miserable day, and so we stayed in the pub drinking coffee and eating sandwiches until embarkation.

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