
By superrstine

VBS - Day 3

For our class, day three of VBS was "Crazy Hat Day," so here is a picture of all of us in our crazy hats!

The kids painted a really cute ceramic elephant in crafts and then we went back to the classroom and made maps because the word of the day was FOLLOW.

We had a lot of fun at games today and all of the girls in our class are in love with two of the TAs, so whatever they say goes.

A couple of the kids wouldn't sing under the tent either, so I volunteered myself to act ridiculous to try and get them to sing. It works every once and a while, but usually only if we make a deal--you know, meet somewhere in the middle--so I somehow ended up promising the boys "VBS Boot Camp" or in other words an obstacle course in exchange for them at least singing along to the songs..

Third Day of VBS: success

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