All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Tap tap tap!

Some of you may remember back in June I made a cryptic comment about having had some wonderful news. Well, if you look here, you'll see what it is! Seeing the pics today has brought a tear to my eye - I'm so pleased everything went well today sis!

Ethan had his weekly swimming lesson today. We were about 5 minutes into the lesson when one of the other mums jumped out the pool looking very sheepish. Turns out her wee boy had done an explosive nappy which his swim nappy just couldn't contain! It was so bad, the swimming teacher told us all to get out the pool pronto, and we had to decant to the main pool for the rest of the lesson! The mum was so appologetic - I've never seen someone look so embarassed before!

I used to sit Ethan on my lap a lot when I was on the computer. It's difficult to do that now though as he loves to try to bash away at the keyboard when I'm trying to type. Hubbie has now given him one of our old keyboards for him to bash on instead, which Ethan just loves!

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