Another Day

By pcc


R took our friends to the airport at 4 am this morning, so Jock their dog is settling in with us. I decided to take Amber and Jock separately for their runs this morning, as if I let them off the lead it is too hard to keep track of them. Jock is really fast, but he is deaf now. We were walking along a track in the sports grounds, as were quite a few other people, and he came out of the bushes and could not see me, and went running off in the opposite direction. Calling was of no use. I was running but could not catch up with him. Eventually he stopped and looked back down the track and saw me waving my arms and came tearing back so pleased to find me again. I have not got a photo I like of Jock yet, but will get one over the next few days. Instead I got one of Amber, with her sad little face. I cannot help but love her.
Here we had a beautiful day today with clear blue skies and sunshine - and I went to the movies in the afternoon - terrible waste of a day - to 'Letters to Juliet'.- Very light hearted romantic story.

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