burn the fleet

By brett


Im back on the North Island.

A few things happened saturday...

First. I discovered the game of handball. My friend plays on a team here in NZ so we decided to go watch his team play (he wasn't playing becasue he has a broken wrist from snowboarding).

After the first game we watched I had made up my mind that handball was a game for losers and the only reason people play it is because they suck at every other sport. haha. seriously they were so uncoordinated and clumsy and everything opposite to athletes..i couldn't believe it..ha..but my opinion changed slightly once the finals came around and we saw good teams play....still don't think the game is that cool...but better than my first opinions..

Second. because it rained all day, and there is no shortage of hills in NZ, the logical thing to do is find a nice steep one and slide down it. We hit this same hill over and over again in the same spot and by the end of a night there was a nice muddy groove which if you stayed in it perfectly would make you fly down the hill...who needs water slides when theres muddy hills around..

this is picture is the end result...

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