Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

Eyes that tell a thousand stories

"In order to keep a true perspective of one's importance, everyone should have a dog that will worship him and a cat that will ignore him." - Dereke Bruce

This is very true, I have no cats but two dogs so I am worshipped twice as much!

Harley's eyes are beautiful, I am sure this is why he gets away with so much. One glance from his puppy dog eyes and he has me wrapped around his little paw pad.

Took the dogs for a stroll along the Ipswich docks today, there was a market so stopped for a drink and a chocolate brownie. Emmy had lots of adoring passer by's, Harley had a few sympathetic pats on the head as Emmy was getting all of the attention.

Work tomorrow so making the most of a lazy Sunday afternoon snoozing on the sofa with the pooches.

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