Cycling companion

Ru came along with me on my cycle this evening. Normally he cycles far farther and far faster than I do but he managed to stay at my pace for the first half hour.

After that all it took was a 10 second stop to grab an out of focus pic of some geese and he disappeared into the distance. I tried to catch up but all I could see was dayglo blob getting smaller and smaller until it vanished completely.

I was heading homeward and had stopped for a drink (cycling code for catching your breath) at the top of the last hill, when I spotted the dayglo jacket approaching from another direction. Not only had he left me behind but he'd taken a detour and fitted in another few miles to give me time to catch up.

So we ended the run by rolling home together and I'm sure he'll keep me company again if I ask nicely but remind me not to challenge him to a race.

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