Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


Was confined to the house today on account of a bad head and the weather so had to resort to my fallback position!!! An excuse for blipping flowers. Couldnt actually believe that I had managed to catch this wee fella close up. Not quite sure what it is, not a bee? not a wasp?? I was aware that there were insects nipping in and out of the penstemmon but they seem to dive in, gather and straight back out again - all to quickly for my little camera!! So was quite pleased when I reviewed my snaps and saw this one.

Penstemmon are lovely, though I lost two to the long hard frosts we had this winter :( They come to flower later in the season with their small trumpets and a mass of small green leaves. I have them in strategic positions in the garden to add some late colour, pink, purple, red etc. Note to self : get a deep pink one to replace the lost ones

Here's hoping the weather holds for the weekend - himself is on BBQ duty tomorrow night, come what may! I shall have waterproofs and fleeces to hand! We Scots know how to make the vest of it!

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