Digging for Treasure
Quick trip out to the Hill of Tarvit today, a local country house and estate with lovely gardens. The kids were quite delighted with the car. I did try a few shots of us all being wind-blown, but you'll have to wait to see the lovely car I think - because today we found treasure!
My Mum gave me a couple of seed potatoes a while back, and they were planted in a big bag which I left in our driveway so that, come moving time, it would be easy to lift into a van - a huge bag with potato plants in being quite heavy, of course. I had strict instructions from Mum that the flowers would arrive, and fade, then the foliage would start drooping, then it was time to eat.
Mr B dropped a bed on them when the first set of flowers had set, so I propped it up as best I could and wasn't too surprised to see a second set of flowers. The third set of flowers after we moved the plant to Fife was also understandable, but a fourth set this week was beginning to look like vegetal cheekiness. So I tipped them out into a barrow and we dug out the bounty. And they were quite delicious. Next time there will be more, and they will be left in peace to finish their job without attacks from furniture or being moved.
I just can't wait to be settled somewhere for long enough to have a proper garden.
EDIT: for those of you anxious to see the industrial end of yesterday's beach (and who can blame you?) you can sort of see it here and again in this older blip. And I'm sure there'll be more, particularly since I think the September sun will set right over the power station. Glorious.)
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