Looking East
This is the attractive view of our beach. (Well, traditionally attractive, I quite like the industrial look at the other end of the beach, but I'm sure defunct power stations aren't to everyone's taste.)
After a day of jabbing my fingertips with curtain making, we had a blissful couple of hours on the beach this afternoon. The kids ran about and got wet, and I took photos of them and chatted to passers-by. (Mostly the conversation was just "There are lots of jellyfish, the bairns should be careful." "Yes thank you, they know not to touch them." But I haven't a clue if you can actually get stung by the ones that wash up on the beach - is it only dead ones that wash into shore? And can they still get you even then?)
Mr B arrived back from London with a new car, well, a new-to-us car. Years ago he had a very cool convertible*. Coincidentally that was just when we started going out, though I'm sure I wasn't just in it for the car. Anyway, he's been after another for a while, and found a cheap one in London to buy. Good job he liked it really, as he hadn't booked any return train or anything. Apart from a soaking on the M1 (you can't put the roof up while driving, I seem to recall from an embarrassing incident on the A3) all seems to have gone well. Tomorrow we may take the kids for a spin in a gap in the forecast showers.
*I was easily impressed in those days. Most of you probably wouldn't think it was very cool at all.
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