I Am Strong, I Am Invincible*

Have enrolled on an assertiveness session through one of our 'Employee Networks' that we are all 'encouraged' to participate in (via our performance goals!).

I sent an email round to some of the others on it today saying I didn't really want to go but was scared to tell the organiser. No-one got it.

We've got a questionnaire to complete with 'situations' you might find yourself and how you'd react, the session will raise our awareness of how assertive we are and help 'fix' us. Situations like 'You find yourself at a dinner party and the sole single woman there that makes all the married woman feel twitchy starts to flirt with your husband and he looks like he'd like to try to get into her kn ...' no hang about that's not one of them, I'm getting confused, sorry.

Anyway, its an hour or so away from the desk and there might be biscuits.

*I am Woman, Helen Reddy, no idea when.

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