Use It Up, Wear It Out

This is my holiday skirt. I've had it for years, I can't actually remember how many but I've been in Scotland for seven, and it came with me. I bought it when I was living in Leyton so it's post-1995 and pre-2004. I'm leaning towards 1996. Does it count as vintage yet?

Anyway, this skirt has been on every holiday with me since then and I have never worn it. Ever. It doesn't fit me. Even when it was the right size for me, which it isn't, it didn't fit. It makes me look like a sack of spuds. What was I thinking?

Anyway, it's linen, it's from Monsoon, it's elaborately embroidered and its going on a well known auction site.

Note to self: Introduce it to the iron before snapping it for marketing purposes.

Use It Up, Wear It Out, Odyssey, 1980 .... me and my new RBF went to see them live at a nightclub on Leysdown - The Island? - I think it might have been pre '80 though. God, how old am I?

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