MeriRand & the NW Passage

By randra

Home Garden!

A delicious, if not silly-looking harvest for the day from the garden in pots on my porch. The red pepper should actually be green, and I have no idea what's going on with that one jalapeno.. but I do love gardening. Having all the herbs, peppers, and tomatoes shading my porch helps me escape from the city a little. It's peaceful and quiet. The breeze rustles through the leaves... and then an ambulance drives by. But it's also pretty tasty, and I think I'm learning a bit too. My peppers were self-diagnosed with blossom end rot, and since I wasn't sure where to get calcium from, I just poured milk on them. It seems to have worked. Milk is my hero. And the peppers (though red) aren't half bad!

Speaking of peppers, they're looking pretty wilt-y. I think it's time to water again.

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