Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Took loads of pics of these red leaves - they are crawling all over our archway in hundresd of different shades of red, and green and orange and they look so beautiful, but I just can't seem to get a decent pic of them and the light was fading fast despite making it home at 6.45pm! Haven't been home this early in yonks.

No change to the sarcoids - Lime had his second treatment tonight and the vet said it could take 3 months for it to clear up, but the slower it clears up the better. One of the other horses at the yard had to be on box rest last night and today, but this afternoon when he thought it was about time he should have gone out, he totally trashed his stable, smashing down a big heavy cross beam, and the partition walls and then jumping over the stable door!! He was supposed to be laminitic, but was obviously feeling much better! He's gone out tonight and is luckily okay with only a few scratches to show for it.

Off to do a bit of painting in the kitchen now :0(

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