Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

We're watching you ...

Fell asleep on the sofa tonight (its my age) and woke up at 11.30 knackered and blip less. I didn't want to miss another day and I saw these guys peeping out from the book shelf. I cannot bring myself to 'throw' teddy bears away so they got shoved up here amongst the books. The two on the bottom are Frank the adventure goat and Bruce, who were our little mascots when we went away travelling. The idea was we would get photos of them next to lots of landmarks on our travels, (instead of photos of ourselves) but it didn't really happen and I think they gradually worked their way to the bottom of our rucksacks!

The first session of Sarcoid cream went well with Lime. He was a little star for the vet. Too early to tell if it's going to work yet, but I have been told that there is an 80% chance it will clear these up and if not, the cream we are using is only 75% strength so we still have the option of going stronger. I have to prepare myself for the fact that they are likely to come back and we'll probably have to go through all this again but I am keeping positive.

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