A busy saturday!

40weeks + 3

Today we went on a mission to 'buy a cage' as my sister put it. Aka to acquire stair gates for Katie. Sadly, that mission failed due to Asda's baby event being quite so popular. However it was a lovely day out. We had a little break duringlunchtime and Katie played and ate a very good lunch whilst performing suitably for the audience customers in the centre. She managed to make shopping look cute. But Katie definitely wasn't complaining at the shopping - she managed to blag a big bag of balls for her inside her play tent. Mummy even managed to buy some toys for Katie's birthday... but shhhh don't tell her!!

Of course, it wouldn't be a day out without mummy stopping to take apparently random photos.... such is the life of a blip baby!!

(and here ends my first ever blip month without any gaps!!)

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