Refining the Edges

By refiningedges


I had not been in the forest for several weeks, but slipped into the shadows late afternoon today. Once there, I realized how much I missed it. It is such a blessing to live so close to this paradise. I saw and heard lots of birds and animals, such as one very tiny mouse-of-sorts skipping and running across the ground. Going so fast in the undergrowth that I could not really identify what it was. No owls today.

We have a black bear in our neck of the woods that has taken up residence. It has eaten a few chickens in the neighbourhood, and has swiped at a few pesky barking dogs. I have not seen it, but have smelled the musky odor in areas where it has been. When I am on a narrow trail in the woods, I scuff my feet a lot, so as to warn the beast if it is just round the corner. It is a lone bear with no others in it's territory, so there is plenty of food around. It has no cubs either. If I don't startle or corner it, it should leave me alone. Fingers crossed.

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