Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grown
When Boy was 3 we went to the Sea Life Centre in Oban.
This involved a 3 hour drive from Troon which was punctuated at the Rest and Be Thankful by much vomiting from the little lad.
We stopped off in Oban town centre and purchased him a new outfit. He was a big lad, at Age 3, and not nearly four, he was wearing age 5-6 clothes.
Seal Life Centre was lovely and on our way around the grounds he stopped and picked up a fir cone. His dad showed him how the fir cone opened when it was dry and the seeds would fall out. A seed did fall out, and Boy decided to plant it.
The little seed sat on the window ledge in Symington for a year, and we noticed it had grown when when came back a holiday the following year.
It stayed in Symington with us, until we left 4 years later.
When we came to Barassie, we decided it was time to plant it, and so we did.
And as we have been here 11 years now, the little tree and Boy have both put down roots and grown beyond our expectations.
Boy will be pulling his roots up in a couple of weeks, but I think the tree, for this is that little tree, will be staying here for a good few more years, and maybe adding to it 18 ft height.
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