Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Poppy Heads

A bright sunny and latterly windy day in Fife. Feels almost like summer.

Work is quiet at the moment, no one is inspired to become the next Richard Branson during the school holidays. That will change when the kids go back to school and we start to get the next influx of budding entrepreneurs! In the meantime, monthly targets have been achieved and there is little to get excited about!

The highlight of the working day was probably a visit from Sid who offered to share his crab lunch with us all. He was seen off when the little focker came ans started causing a kerfuffle.

Home and a spot of very light housework and gardening before tempting him indoors with a glass of wine before tea.

Realising this would result in limited blipping today, I set to work blipping in the garden, AGAIN. Let me tell you blipping flowers in the windy east of Scotland is NOT easy :-) As you can see!

So having GROWN and bloomed the poppies now share their lovely seed heads with us. To my mind, just as interesting as the poppy in full bloom. In time,, and before the wind scatters them willy nilly, I will gather and store the seeds, ready for next year :-)

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