Big cot, very small Katie

5 days old

This was the very first time Katie slept in her big cot. And the first time I realised just how big the big cot is. Now, at 9 months old, she can (and does) still sleep across it.

We had a 'just the girls' morning - my friend came to meet Katie, bringing more very pretty clothes, for when Katie was a little bigger! The midwife came and did her heel prick test, she'd suggested giving her a feed whilst she did it and Katie just carried on feeding, not even flinching! When the midwife weighed Katie, she'd only lost 1 ounce since birth. I reckon given how much fluid she vomited up that first day, that actually, she'd probably net gained at least 5 ounces!! But that's not surprising, given how well my little munch-machine had taken to feeding.

My parents came to see Katie for a bit after that, I enjoyed their visits a lot, my mum always made a cup of tea for me, and I didn't even have to wash up afterwards.

That afternoon, she tried the big cot. I'd been told to try using it for daytime sleeps, so when it came to the time she was in it at night, it would be somewhere familiar. She didn't much like it, even for daytime, she preferred to snuggle in her basket, or in the v-shaped pillow in the middle of the big bed!

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