Little socialite!

4 days old - this image is one of my favourites, and was the one I used for her birth announcement cards

I took Katie to church for the first time today. I hadn't been for a while, and there were a few people there who hadn't even known I was pregnant! When I was a teenager, I did a lot of babysitting for the church kids, and then nannyed for several years- I permanently had a child with me for the best part of 10 years! People came up to me with Katie and asked 'so, this one's actually yours then?' One of the people at church was the midwife who visited us on Day 2 - she slightly told me off for being out and about, but of course accepted an instant cuddle and offered to be the first babysitter!

I think being born in the middle of the night helped Katie. People say that newborns don't know the difference between day and night, but Katie always seemed to have got that. In the daytime, she had lots of alert time between feeds, from very early on. At nighttime, she'd feed, be changed and then go back to sleep. Apart from at 4am when for the first week or so she always seemed to have tummy ache and was awake for a fair while with it, bless her. Yes, she fed 3, sometimes 4 times a night, but it never felt too tough really, I fed her in bed, then she went back off, then I did too! I was so blessed. And falling more in love every single day.

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