First outfit

3 days old

This is the first 'not babygrow' clothes Katie wore. A very cute little Humphrey's Corner tunic. It was a dress on her here, but I couldn't believe how soon it became a top! It turns out I'm quite attached to that little tunic!

We took Katie out in her pram for the first time today, we walked into town and she was paraded round various places being introduced! She wasn't keen though, and ended up being carried by me! After lunch, her other grandparents came to see her.

My brother came round to meet her this afternoon. He admitted, whilst sat gazing adoringly at her that he'd been worried she'd 'look a bit battered' but that 'actually, she is insanely adorable'. He and her are very close now, she loves being with her Uncle Simon, he is definitely her 'Uncle Fantastic'.

When he had gone, I had a wonderful time with her, she played under her gym for the first time and loved watching the butterflies flutter. We listened to the CD I'd made for her to be born to, and I cried when it soothed her and we both snuggled and slept together.

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