Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Two Lovely Black Eyes

Couldn't think of any title for this shot other than the title of a song which I remember faintly from my childhood. Today, went to two photo exhibitions in Dublin, followed by a visit to the Royal Hibernian Society's Summer Fete so it has been a busy one... and it's not over yet. Have just half an hour to post this blip before off again, this time on a social call. Whew! And tomorrow it's off to Dublin again to a summer festival. Gluttons for punishment we are.

Well, the kids were having their faces painted at the fete and as usual loved every minutr of it. This cheeky chappie was particularly animated, a right little character, couldn't sit still for any length of time at all. Only managed to shoot three frames of him he was so animated and this is I reckon the best of them, so it's my blip for today.

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