Images to inspire

By kenwindsor

All shook up

Ok - tonight I want to have fun. First I will put a Starsky and Hutch DVD in my machine. Then freeze frame on an interesting scene. Using my Pentax Digital SLR I have taken a shot of this image as it appeared on my plasma TV. I shot it slightly out of focus so as not to create the herring bone effect common with shooting images of a TV screen. The result is shown in the top right hand corner of my picture.
Now the fun bit - I put the image in my favorite photo manipulation program "Microsoft Picture IT" and applied one of the thousands of effects.
Then a little more manipulation with cloning in areas that were too white, saturating the colour, and giving it a border- and this is the result. However, the border has been removed as this site does not support frames, but it does look better with a white frame around it.
This is what I do these days - the scenic shots will always be there, but the fun and enjoyment for me is to create something new and exciting from even the most mundane of subjects.

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