Goodbye Goombahs?
I love it when kids come up with their own words. George, for instance, calls motorbikes "goombahs" - and because he's mad about them, he says it a lot. This morning though, he was wrestling with the idea of calling them "mo'bikes" so it seems the word may be on the way out. Sad, but at least it'll live on in blip.
Good news this morning on the Molly crisis. She's been given a clean bill of health by the vet, who is mightily impressed by her Lazarus-like qualities. They're putting it down to the fact that she'd snaffled a whole birthday cake the day before she'd got ill. Now that it's out of her system she's fine again.
We did mention the cake to the vet, but they thought the symptoms were too dramatic to be caused by it.
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