All snuggled up against the cold

These two Wax-Eyes were huddled up this morning against a very grey and cold sky. If I'd had someone to snuggle up with, I'd have been doing that too. In the absence of said someone, Cousteau had to suffice.

They were way up in yonder tree and my wee lens wasn't really up to the job so there's a bit of grain. Still, they look very cute.

I took Rae to the airport at sparrow's fart this morning and then off to Confession, followed by my usual 'Pie Date' with B.

Then it was off to D's house to do some portraits of her. She was nervous and unsure but I am quite pleased with the shots I took in the end. I hope she is. She really is very pretty. I just had to get her to smile! =)

Home again. A spot of 'gardening' and then off for a walk with JL and the tribe.

Now I'm home for a quick photograph process session. Blip posting. Dog and cat feeding.

I didn't know that cat's liked pumpkin and mashed potato. However, Pio was ready to fight Cousteau for his so I gave him a little in his own bowl to try. He lapped it up. Funny wee thing.

Out in a half-hour to go to the movies. NO idea what I'm going to see. I'm trusting the boys. Is this a wise idea, I ask myself?

Oh well, I guess I'll find out.

Cheers all.

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