Love thy neighbour

I once read, I can't remember where, that one should neither feel superior nor inferior; as always one is superior to some and inferior to others. One should, therefore, accept one's lot and not envy or scorn others.

Sound advice, I thought. And that's what came to me when I walked into the hallway this morning. The cat was plying himself around my legs, as only he can. The dog was opening one sleepy eye to check if it was breakfast time. I, spectacle-less, was enjoying the warm sunshine that came in through the kitchen window; once the blinds had been opened.

There, at that moment, I felt content. Like a cat warming itself in the sun. Satisfied.

How come, only a matter of hours later, I am feeling grumpy and edgy? Almost like there is something I need to say; only I'm not sure what I should be saying, nor to whom it should be said. And I feel completely dissatisfied.

I don't want what others have. I don't long for anything. I certainly don't need anything. I just feel on edge and my smile seems to have disappeared, somewhere deep inside.

I am sure that it won't be anything that an early night can't fix. It's been a beautiful day. The sun has shone and I have spent most of the day in the company of good friends.

Tonight, I feel that a bit of alone time may be in order. Just me and my Cousteau. Pio can join in the cuddle if he wants. The rest of the world, just for tonight, we'll shut out.

Night all.

Oh, btw, an erstwhile friend gave me these. They were a gift to her and didn't suit her house. She figured that they'd look better in my hall. I agree.

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