a town called E.

By Eej


What is about supermarkets that brings out the worst in me? Is it the mass-of-people part? The spending-money part? I honestly don't know. Part of the problem today was probably tiredness. And entering another weekend with no idea where/how we are in terms of finances.
Fact is that by the time we hit the second store (we go to the really cheap one first, and then get produce and some other stuff at a more expensive one) I had agonised the Beloved so much he was a Disgruntled. And his state of Disgruntledness made me even more mad.
Good times.

But then we stopped at the Hatchery and I ran out for some quiet cooling-off time. If you can call it 'cooling-off' when it's still about 90 F/32C.
A bit down my usual path I spotted something blue flying around, and landing on a nearby branch. tWas a dragonfly :)
I was being very careful while taking a few photos, but it flew away anyway ... only to land on a closer branch. It did it again, and again and again: fly up, make me go 'oooh' in a disappointed voice, and then land on the branch again. At one point it flew up and landed at a different branch, a bit further. Then it looked at me, as if to see if I was still following it.
I swear I'm not making it up: it was almost like we were playing a game. Like we were connected. Odd.

It looks a little worse for wear, with one of his wings torn up a bit ... but it's still going strong. I wonder who that reminds me of :)

I realise that there are better dragonfly photos on Blip but considering my camera limitations I'd say it's not too bad :)

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