a town called E.

By Eej


Or not.
Having a veggie patch is new to me. My dad had one for most of my life. As a child he'd take me to the allotment and I'd eat fresh carrots, straight from the ground, dirt still on them. Since I didn't care much for most of the other things he grew (lima-beans! brussels spouts!) my interest was limited.

Of the things we have growing this year I only have experience with tomatoes. The Beloved knows less than me, so the fact that things are actually growing is a miracle in itself.

One of my co-workers was telling me today that her little brother has a job detasseling corn. I was thankful I at least know what a corn tassel is, but what in the world does detasseling entail and do I have to do it to our corn? A quick search made it clear that unless I have rows of rows and are trying to breed corn-hybrids we should be good all tasseled up. Phew.

Now on to the zucchini. To top or not to top? And when are the onions ready?
I can see why my dad loved it so much :)

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