A day in front of the PC...

Not sure that I like this picture - too much glare on the skin from the computer flash - but it's the best of a bad bunch. Whenever I try to so an SP I usually end up with my eyes half shut - or I look like a scared rabbit caught in the beam of a car's headlamps.

Not that I'm vain or anything (god knows it's just as well) but I also hate the way the camera pulls up every tiny little blemish in my skin. Oh and I've just noticed in one of the other pictures that my specs really magnify the wrinkles around my eyes.

Ah well, they (people older than me) say it adds character...

Other items today... a couple of contradictory gems from the world of science via the bbc...

...first from January this year

and second, breaking news from America...

No wonder we're confused - and my guess is it has little to do with adipocytes!

Still, I think this one really takes the biscuit.

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