Beach Coning

Up early to a sleepy house, low cloud on the hills.

So I took Juno on a coastal walk to the cleared village of Bourblaige. A really nice coast line and then the climb to the village. The first thing I noticed was piles of stones in the grass, I assume this is the small stones picked up from the fields when they were ploughed. Then the ruins came into view, lots of old blackhouses. A very quiet place.

Juno and I combed the beach, she found a sheep carcass, lovely. Thought of Wingpig when found this cone on the shore.

Back to the house and of to a beach visit, found a great wee place and spent the afternoon chasing crabs and spotting fish in the kelp.

Wee pot of tea and cake at the community tea room, wonderful cakes.

Eco son and I have organised a wee visit to an island tomorrow to bag the summit, the eco girls are heading for a wee trip to Tobermory on a local ferry.

Eco son and I had a great shore walk and chat tonight. We have put the peanut butter out on the log for hopefully another pine martin show.

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