Wee Hills Big View

A day off. I was dropping my uncle and his osn at the point that I had picked them up from on the West Highland way a couple of months ago. They had been walking it when my grandad was taken into hospital so I picked them up to bring them to the hospital.

So they both wanted to finish the walk. A cup of tea and a chat and they headed off.

The weather was good so Juno and I headed to the hills. I was trying out her new dog panniers on her, she was brilliant and had a ball.

The first hill had sheep on it so she was roped to me, a cracking viewpoint summit and not a sole about. We had a couple of river crossing then onto hill number 2. No sheep so frredom for Juno. She set off on scents, dived in burns and was happy.

A wee shower on the top but not enough for waterproofs. On the way down I found a deer skull with 8 point antlers in pretty good nick, picke dthem up for the kids.

Met up with my uncle again fro a chat and tea. Then I came back home, Juno is sleeping and the family are scattered to the wind. I have eco daughter for company.

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