
By 4Boys4Girls

What else can you do when it's hot

but go swimming.

Spent almost the entire day in the sun and water today. First out on a remote island with the most panaromic view, then later at Hanna's parents' island Holmen.

The ice cream boat drove past and took pity on Noah and others calling out for an ice cream, so they stopped and gave us a box full.

This boat cruises the islands and supplies the various shops and pubs. It is unusual to be able to get it to stop at a private house.

Edit: For those who haven't seen an ice cream boat before here's a colour picture of it. (I say this a bit tongue-in-cheek as I had never heard of such a boat until I saw this one (and the others which pass here as well). But it makes sense as there are thousands of islands off Stockholm full of people for the summer, and Swedes love ice-cream.

I also like this shot of the natural boat harbor.

Off to visit Anette's parents tomorrow on the other coast, hope the sun stays with us.

EDIT: Sorry, no tune on this boat .. as far as I know :)

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