
By mar

Winning is overrated.

Winning is overrated. The only time it is really important is in surgery and war. ~Al McGuire

Sports Day 2010 - first one I've missed as I was asked to work. Luckily Michael was able to shift his schedule about to be able to watch Charlotte on her all important Sports Day... Ha!.

I'm sure by now in this journal, you've come to realize that my kid is not competitive. She is anti-competitive. She is so laid back that she actually didn't bother running one of the races, despite everyone and their brothers shouting her name to line up. Charlotte thought it was far too important to converse with friends and do the Miss Mary Mack hand thing that is ever so important and even more annoying than ever.

However, Charlotte does love to run. So when asked to run in another event, she decided to line up. Michael said that if the race was the 150 meters she would have came in first as the first 30 meters she was too busy waving to friends. But as it was, she came in second.

However, she was first in the Miss Mary Mack contest with her friends. At least her priorities were straight.

After school, the girls were still running high so a few when over a friends house where they practiced hand clapping and then went pond dipping in the pouring rain.

Some how, I got roped in for taxi service afterwards.

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