Always wondering who i am

By tiffani13

Half of You

Tonight was brilliant!!!!

I had the honour of photographing a music video being shot for my friends Fearne who are a band based in the South of England. They are really a great band please check them out.

Anyway the video is for their song 'Half of you' and it tells the story of a girl listening to her iPod. Half of you comes on and she starts day dreaming and imagining that Fearne are playing solely for her. Its a simple idea but watch the work go into it was amazing - the guys had to play the song a silly amount of times, there were numerous cameras and a film crew of 6 people!!! It was a fantastic night!! The second half of the video is being shot tomorrow in Bournemouth and i have been asked along to takes some photos of that too - sweet!!

Anyway - here is one of the pics from tonights shoot. It might not be the best one but its one i picked out and tidied up in a rush as i was running out of time to blip today.

Enjoy, Peace and Love x

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