Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Antony Gormley - Water of Leith - Sculpture 3

Here is the next in my series of photos of the Antony Gormley's "6 Times" Figures along the Water of Leith. This one was easy to find as I keep spying it from Stockbridge bridge.

Not quite so easy to photograph though because although you can see it from the bridge there's lots of foliage in the way and you can't actually get down to it. I did do a bit of insane barrier climbing and a shuffle along a wall next to the water which I think was probably most inadvisable! But I knew I wouldn't fall in, I have the balance of a cat. A very old, blind, threelegged, senile cat but a cat nonetheless....

ps. Mum - I know what you are going to say, and yes I know I have no sense of balance at all, but honestly, it was quite safe!

If you'd like to see the others click on these links for my pics of one and two.

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