Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Part of my 'Solitary reflections' series, this is number 4.

I had good intentions for going out and about today, especially after my entire day of sleep yesterday. In fact I was going to go and watch the footie with my sister and pals and I even made it to the pub to meet them, but to be honest I'm not feeling all that great and am not really all that interested either so I headed back home instead.

I have got it on telly at the moment but I'm really only pretending to watch it! Apparently Holland have been quite aggressive and no one has scored yet... I've actually been talking to mum on the phone, mucking aound with photos on the computer, flicking back and forth to Midsomer Murders and eating crisps and ice cream.
Much more fun than football ;o)

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