Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Flesh Fly on Thistle

Definitely the best photo of the day, but to be honest not one that marks the day.

Got out first thing to find a Western Union office and see whether we could send money to youngshanks in China. Crossing the North Inch we passed the rugby club and ladies cricket club out training - that could be a good blip on a sporting day with the Silverstone Grand Prix & World Cup Final later on.

Back on the Western Union hunt, found a shop with a sign outside and an interesting frontage - that could be a good blip. As I got the camera out a young lad stood in front of me posing "take the picture now mate" I did, but sorry Lee Murphy (whoever you may be) but I messed up the shot, shame because that could have been a good blip.

Back home to watch the F1, Mrs L's attacking a lobster for lunch - there must be a good blip there.

After Mark Webber's victory (if it wasn't going to be Lewis or Jensen winning then I was glad Mark won) we went for a wander along by the Tay. Got a really good photo of a warbler, clear & crisp, but not really sure which warbler it is. The trouble with warblers is that unless you can identify their song it's quite difficult to differentiate the different species and this one wasn't singing as its beak was full of flies. Didn't want to blip a warbler I hadn't ID'd which is a shame because that could have been a good blip.

Took a few other shots of plants, bees, flies, wasps etc. Then back to watch the World Cup Final. An intriguing game I thought and in the end I was happy Spain won. Now to submit my blip for today, but which one would I choose?

Flesh Fly on Thistle - on a sporting day I think you can call that a surprise result!

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