Eco Son

We all went for a great walk to Traigh na Margaidh, a hidden gem of a beach.

On the way the butterflies were everywhere and the flora amazing, lack of grazing animals very apparent.

We came over the brow of the hill to be met by the white sands and big waves. On the way down a sandbank came alive as the sand martins came out of the burrows to catch insects for their young.

Down on the beach for my first wild swim, it was freezing need the wetsuit.

The juniper bush hugging the rocks were laden with berries, none were ready for harvest.

On the way back we watched a dragonfly flying around and dipping it's tail in the stream. Eco son managed to get today's photo.

Headed to the ferry port to get Eco gran, we asked us to come over so she would get a break from caring for her parents. A lovely evening catching up and palnning out days.

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