
By andyclicks


Well not a lot happened today, i decided to get started on my holiday goal, to do at least 2 days of busking.

for those among you unknown of this activity it is playing an instrument or singing or generally any form of entertainment performed in a street or shopping centre or other public vicinity. a hat or case of some form of concave item is then placed on the ground where passing by people will give money.

personally i play my flutes in chichester city centre. So after yesterday with the camera, although i only paid £10 for the actual camera due to my fantastic warranty i ended up spending another £60 on batteries, a case and extending my warranty
so it went on my 'to pay parents back' list. and today i went busking for about 2 hours and got £57. not the best i've done, not the worst. but pretty darn good by my reckoning. for any of you americans out there i think that its about $118 but don't hold me to that.

anyways this is just one of the shots i took today in the garden, it caught my eye aside the billion of others i edited. thats the problem with a new camera, i can never put it down !

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