Surprised, with broad bean.

We went up to the allotment really early this morning, to avoid the heavy rain that was predicted for around 10:00. Well, it's just rained as promised, a thundering downpour for about fifteen minutes, only about 6 hours later than promised!

I wanted to get a photo of the allotment because it'll be a couple of weeks before I can get up there again. Just at the time when the broad beans and artichokes and blackcurrants are coming on stream, drat it! DH didn't realise I had the camera out so looks a bit worried - but why shouldn't a chap nibble a broad bean if he fancies it, particularly considering he sowed them himself?

Still, it gives me a nice blip of the home patch with bonus DH to look at when I'm on the move. I don't know what my internet access will be from day to day; hence much back-blipping is probable and commenting unlikely. Still, there should be some interesting new train journeys things to see and blip!

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