The White Bridge

When my older children were kids this was an old wooden white bridge. Sometime in the last thirty years they built a metal bridge and then tore the old one down, but we all still refer to it as the old white bridge. My two older ones liked to catch big and little snakes under the rocks alongside the bridge and pick blackberries along the river's edge. My daughter that came along ten years later, liked to watch for beaver going in and out of their dam. My youngest, who came ten years after that, liked to play "Pooh cones" She had seen it in a Winnie the Pooh episode. All the animals would throw "Pooh Cones" in the water and then run to the other side of the bridge to see who's pine cone won the race!

I liked watching the swallows and the red winged blackbirds, blue herons, egrets, ospreys and bald eagles. But my favorite thing to watch was my children having fun! Today I stood on the bridge by myself but I could still see them and hear the faint sound of their laughter from so many years ago.

For more pictures from today go HERE

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